abbreviations, origins


  1. ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange
  1. CLI - Command Line Interface
  2. CPU - Central Processing Unit, 中央演算処理装置
  3. CR - Carriage Return
  4. CSV - Comma Separated Values
  5. CSV - Character Separated Values, comma/tab/space seperated values
  6. CUI - Character User Interface
  1. DKIM - DomainKeys Identified Mail
  2. DMARC - Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance
  3. DNS - Domain Name System
  4. DTD - Document Type Definition, 文書型定義
  1. EICAR - European Institute for Computer Antivirus Research
  1. FSD - Full Self-Driving
  1. GPIO - General Purpose Input/Output, 汎用入出力
  2. GPS - Global Positioning System
  3. GTUBE - Generic Test for Unsolicited Bulk Email
  4. GUI - Graphical User Interface
  1. HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol
  2. HTML - HyperText Markup Language
  1. LED - Light Emitting Diode
  2. LF - Line Feed
  3. LNG - Liquified Natural Gas, 液化天然ガス
  4. LPガス - Liquified Petroleum Gas, 液化石油ガス
  1. P2P - Peer TO Peer
  1. SLAM - Simultaneous Localization And Mapping
  2. SoC - System on Chip
  3. SPF - :Sender Policy Framework
  1. TCP - Transmission Control Protocol
  2. TTL - Time To Live
  1. UDP - User Dtatgram Protocol
  2. UTF-8 - UCS Transformation Format 8
  1. W3C - World Wide Web Consortium
  2. WHATWG - the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group
  1. XML - Extensible Markup Language


  1. cat - ConcATinate
  2. cd - Change Directory
  3. cp - CoPy
  1. ls - LiSt
  1. mkdir - Make DIRectory
  2. mv - MoVe
  1. nc - Net Cat(ConCATinate)
  1. pwd - Print Working Directory
  1. rm - ReMove

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